June 2010

Microsoft Office
http://goo.gl/R1v9 (Office 2010)
http://goo.gl/RpK6 (Washington Post)
http://goo.gl/5hP5 (Wikipedia)

Mobile phone
http://goo.gl/8ApK (smart phone tracking)
http://goo.gl/WOUk (new iPhone orders)
http://goo.gl/qQnN (new iPhone, wsj)
http://goo.gl/R9i2 (dark side of phone apps)

http://goo.gl/ngyR (google & wireless data collection)

http://goo.gl/BFKG (facebook & privacy)

http://goo.gl/MoRx (iPad 2 Million sold)

http://goo.gl/pKnp (intel new low power CPUs)

http://goo.gl/mblZ (hotmail vs gmail)

http://goo.gl/4alW (IPv4 addresses)

http://goo.gl/hJja (email blacklisting)

http://goo.gl/1zLO (TV spectrum)

http://goo.gl/VEss (youtube video editor)

http://goo.gl/G23k (deep packet inspection)

http://goo.gl/0kGg (512 cpu's in one box)

http://goo.gl/eFz6 (AT&T iPad security breech)

http://goo.gl/sLFB (Microsoft 3D display)

http://goo.gl/gGpy (Google Earth on iPad)

http://goo.gl/sxkJ (potato batteries)

http://goo.gl/fzHk (HP new printers)

http://goo.gl/hxXn (Verisign sold to Symantec)

http://goo.gl/gLEG (Make XP faster)

http://goo.gl/tLDA (Make Windows 7 faster)

Some new sites:

http://allthingsd.com (from wsj online)