January 2011

http://goo.gl/T0rMg (FCC backs use based broadband pricing)

http://goo.gl/daHGK (Google targets laptops for Chrome OS)

http://goo.gl/bPQuu (OpenStreetMap)

http://goo.gl/wIno9 (Amazon & fake receipts)

http://goo.gl/wxynX (death of VGA port)

http://goo.gl/i8i8w (Sandy Bridge for MACs)

http://goo.gl/kOC0j (Intel Atom in 2011)

http://goo.gl/WfxVS (Success of Android phones)

http://goo.gl/sonfe (Youtube removes 15 min upload policy)

http://goo.gl/BiiFl (Kinect hand detection)

http://goo.gl/jOwO7 (Pentagon bans removable devices)

http://goo.gl/mrszt (Malicious Ads)

http://goo.gl/2SoaN (Verisign & DNSSEC)

http://goo.gl/W53Ne (December patch record)

http://goo.gl/lMrky (Verizon & smartphones update)

http://goo.gl/EkMJn (1st Nissan Leaf delivered)

http://goo.gl/vWaMm (FCC & broadband in US)

http://goo.gl/qeRRc (Survey Internet as popular as TV)

http://goo.gl/9Kg6Z (Streaming is killing off DVD & BlueRay)

http://goo.gl/V1r4P (Strawberry picking robot knows when they are ripe)

http://goo.gl/W3Bgu (Data leak at Sheriff's department)

http://goo.gl/mwc5g (Smartphones for soldiers)

http://goo.gl/sbNhQ (Facebook's Zuckerberg Time Magazine)

http://goo.gl/Yo3nS (Google TV update)

http://goo.gl/5aNxG (Android in space)

http://goo.gl/kPJp7 (older folks using social networking more)

http://goo.gl/gKvLn (Broadband prices dropping but not in US)

http://goo.gl/afwHv (Automotive "DriveMeCrazy" app)

http://goo.gl/XbQQi (Facial recongnition & Facebook tags)

http://goo.gl/xgpV0 (Google free online books)

http://goo.gl/1cYxH (Google search by reading level)

http://goo.gl/cNuph (Intel SandyBridge = quad core)

http://goo.gl/OR32e (WordLens = point & translate)

http://goo.gl/qqo7d (fake online pill pedlars)

http://goo.gl/GRuMU (Apple has 66% of online music market)

http://goo.gl/LGe9s (Google Body Browser)

http://goo.gl/vr8T4 (Kindle for Android update)

http://goo.gl/zSkyB (Your apps are watching you)

http://goo.gl/nH5oi (Police track iPhone thief)

http://goo.gl/LWS9h (iPad Newspaper)

http://goo.gl/sYbtf (No signal: WiFi at home)

http://goo.gl/VUd9K (Microsoft retires GenuineAdvantage)

http://goo.gl/c8bXY (FCC adopts NetNeutrality)

http://goo.gl/53aGV (WikiLeaks app pulled from AppleStore)

http://goo.gl/Eqafy (Skype goes down)

http://goo.gl/djyyT (Avatar most pirated in 2010)

http://goo.gl/LUtnd (Adding electronic circuits to money)

http://goo.gl/hd5mk (sequence human genome in minutes?)

http://goo.gl/6YMuR (Facebook most visited in 2010)

http://goo.gl/72G5Y (Vizio & plans for Google TV)

http://goo.gl/Iu8Oq (29 new Intel processors announced)

http://goo.gl/mAXK0 (iPhone alarms fail)

http://goo.gl/zP32S (No glasses 3D tablets)

http://goo.gl/4FBt0 (Linux in Russia)

http://goo.gl/cwSdQ (China bans Skype)

http://goo.gl/f1yYA (eavesdropping on encrypted GSM cellphone calls)

http://goo.gl/iiZYP (Kindle eBook lending)

http://goo.gl/G8hd3 (3D risks for kids)

http://goo.gl/aKVa9 (superphones)

http://goo.gl/6cFgC (New chips for Windows)

http://goo.gl/RoBSV (NVIDIA building a CPU)

http://goo.gl/NqwLL (LG & App platform for TVs)

http://goo.gl/gLaVp (OnStar coming to other vehicles)

http://goo.gl/7DvZd (MAC App store launches)

http://goo.gl/HntJq (Android Honeycomb tablet announced)

http://goo.gl/eM1Cc (Wireless device charging coming to Volt)

http://goo.gl/XirtC (Boxee & CBS streaming announced)

http://goo.gl/pcDxK (Global spam levels suddenly fall)

http://goo.gl/WTMyo (Ford focus app unlock door with phone)

http://goo.gl/zkQML (Japan & 3D safety standards)

http://goo.gl/8sBDV (Eye control gaming demonstrated)

http://goo.gl/0PhPI (Skype 5.1 group video calls not free)

http://goo.gl/MhXwH (More on Skype video calls)

http://goo.gl/tfSmz (HDMI wireless transmitter)

http://goo.gl/656eG (HTC Droid battery stops bullet)

http://goo.gl/rxNot (Google kills H.264 support in Chrome)

http://goo.gl/Ry82C (Intel settles with NVIDIA)

http://goo.gl/5iWG1 (iPad & iPhone on Verizon Feb 10th)

http://goo.gl/QSHju (MySpace cuts half it's workforce)

http://goo.gl/nXRNi (Computer conquers Jeopardy)

http://goo.gl/8AtyO (More on the 3D dangerous for kids issue)

http://goo.gl/9ks5c (Brute force fast WPA-PSK cracking)

http://goo.gl/xZDOg (Android bar code reader updated)

http://goo.gl/RyYCQ (iPhone personal hotspot changes)

http://goo.gl/uhJUO (Verizon announces iPhone)

http://goo.gl/aSk7O (Verizon to remove iPhone rebates)

http://goo.gl/tWpxN (new wireless graphics card announced)

http://goo.gl/1m0tQ (world IPv6 test day coming June 8th)

http://goo.gl/C37vm (PC sales slowing)

http://goo.gl/dzzWK (Google eBooks)

http://goo.gl/QgqYz (Memory prices will continue to fall in 2011)

http://goo.gl/lu4fn (Apple Steve Jobs taking medical leave)

http://goo.gl/LoMhC (No Facebook shares for US investors)

http://goo.gl/5zL84 (Changes to DVD queue at NetFlix)

http://goo.gl/GMJKS (Wikileaks & Swiss Banking)

http://goo.gl/AKSzz (In Calif. mobile phones can be searched)

http://goo.gl/dnfHR (FCC approves Comcast NBC merger)

http://goo.gl/FKEdE (Netflix spending 20x more on postage)

http://goo.gl/6pkUQ (Startbucks pay with phone app)

http://goo.gl/sJNCc (Google shakeup at top)

http://goo.gl/FIKVD (mobile phones not safe for credit cards)

http://goo.gl/wdBoL (Google & Groupon competitor)

http://goo.gl/S5j1I (Firefox kills Skype toolbar)

http://goo.gl/Ng71j (HTC & huge profits)

http://goo.gl/PmUgY (trojan spreading on twitter goo.gl link fake antivirus)