February 2012

http://goo.gl/VwSlI  (Judge orders laptop decrypted)
http://goo.gl/SKOxv   (Google's new privacy policy)
http://goo.gl/UyIb9  (Facebook Timeline pushed to everyone)
http://goo.gl/Arrqa  (Ubuntu's new HUD - Head Up Display)
http://goo.gl/6sjxk  (Symantec source code theft)
http://goo.gl/0aXfN  (Google Earth updated)
http://goo.gl/rp6Vo   ($25 Linuxcomputer)
http://goo.gl/IJeCq  (Amazon Merchant & rigged reviews)
http://goo.gl/6Ugze  (First US CTO resigns)
http://goo.gl/ExxZl  (Clickjacking)
http://goo.gl/5y5JE  (Samsung Galaxy Note - largest smartphone)
http://goo.gl/h8NAW  (Phishing alliance)
http://goo.gl/pe3v3   (tweets keep tourist from entering US)
http://goo.gl/q95RI  (PC Anywhere gets fixed after being hacked)
http://goo.gl/BCMy4  (Facebook files IPO papers)
http://goo.gl/I2FuT  (Microsoft Ad campaign against Google)
http://goo.gl/nweh9  (Seagate: HDD shortage to continue)
http://goo.gl/q8JHX  (Earphones know if they are in the wrong ear)
http://goo.gl/P12db  (2/1 - Change your password day)
http://goo.gl/ChVKq  (Google now scanning Andriod apps for malware)
http://goo.gl/BnTJN   (Windows 8 phone features)
http://goo.gl/spLMz  (Vizio ships 21:9 aspect ratio widescreen TV)
http://goo.gl/vqmYw  (VeriSign hacked in 2010)
http://goo.gl/jLaJ1   (Google Docs update)
http://goo.gl/SHZuy  (Anonymous attacks Boston Police web site)
http://goo.gl/RKygW   (losses at Panasonic)
http://goo.gl/t8Wcz   (Motorola & refurbished tablets with customer data still on them)
http://goo.gl/DH0bK  (Skype update now with screen sharing)
http://goo.gl/Abdn6  (RedBox buys competition)
http://goo.gl/gCJCu   (Internet content getting pulled in India)
http://goo.gl/TXtkt  (deleting Facebook photos)
http://goo.gl/JT2Qb  (Google's new Solve for X website)
http://goo.gl/WgFuc  (Google finally hanging fiber in Kansas City)
http://goo.gl/z6WkS   (Samsung Galaxy Note - phablet ?)
http://goo.gl/bBMjb   (new Nikon D800, 36megapixal DSLR)
http://goo.gl/h9Qfx  (Symantec offers $50k to hackers...)
http://goo.gl/aYd8B   (Wolfram Alpha Pro service)
http://goo.gl/QY0Hy  (transparent screen Android app)
http://goo.gl/tgMxv  (Windows 8 customer preview Feb 29th)
http://goo.gl/0umfp  (iPhone expensive for carriers)
http://goo.gl/IZYHt   (Amazon now stronger competitor with Netflix)
http://goo.gl/LCjLi  (Vontage mobile app for Android)
http://goo.gl/NECfs  (iPad 3 coming in March)
http://goo.gl/6ksrr   (Google wallet flaws)
http://goo.gl/qCBUC  (wallet flaw fixed)
http://goo.gl/NNaAt  (Anti tracking tools)
http://goo.gl/aXtwQ   (MIT electronics course online)
http://goo.gl/dQm9w  (crypto problems)
http://goo.gl/X1JZc   (the case for publicly owned internet access)
http://goo.gl/s1imx   (two new low cost AMD radeon video cards)
http://goo.gl/Q2EoH  (Mountain Lion - Apple & Windows 8 - Microsoft)
http://goo.gl/3xmqn  (FBI and DNSChanger trojan)
http://goo.gl/Vg8R7  (Dashboard technology & driver safety)
http://goo.gl/zqlpO  (Nevada approves self-driving cars)
http://goo.gl/5RB5c  (location tracking of cell phones)
http://goo.gl/x1cco   (light switched local anaesthetics)
http://goo.gl/rNeZF   (FBI forced to shut down GPS tracking devices)
http://goo.gl/COqPb   (Windows 8 & loss of Start button)
http://goo.gl/kibRk   (5th amendment & encrypted hard drives)
http://goo.gl/khbMg   (Visual Studio 11's new features)
http://goo.gl/5Pi17   (GPS jamming update)
http://goo.gl/I1yDf  (New Wifi coming 802.11ac)
http://goo.gl/CzfPf   (Code Hero teaches computer programming)
http://goo.gl/rcJlJ   (4.7" HG phone)
http://goo.gl/fHGla   (DNSChanger botnet update)
http://goo.gl/2eP8v   (future of Adobe Flash) 
http://goo.gl/jroVo   (update for Google Docs Android app)
http://goo.gl/D7a3E   (Apache updated)
http://goo.gl/v2oMs   (Comcast announces streaming service)
http://goo.gl/92rp0   (CrashPlan backup)