July 2010

http://goo.gl/FLh1 (Dell & $100m fine)
http://goo.gl/ESDP (mobile notes)
http://goo.gl/q5qh (blogs shut down by law enforcement)
http://goo.gl/d8QJ (Kindle books outsell hardbacks)
http://goo.gl/sHQd (lightsaber causes blindness)
http://goo.gl/wJFt (crackdown on p2p users)
http://goo.gl/CVE0 (RIAA & Movies)
http://goo.gl/njsy (Airlines & technology)
http://goo.gl/sSv4 (Microsoft news)
http://twit.tv/tnt (tech news today - new podcast)
http://goo.gl/x2lV (ipv4 addresses left)
http://goo.gl/x8wg (Bluetooth 4.0 coming)
http://goo.gl/6G6T (wireless power standard)
http://goo.gl/cmdT (HP printers & email)
http://goo.gl/kgF1 (translation device)
http://goo.gl/wDqM (broadband access progress US)

http://goo.gl/bH4r (iphone cases)
http://goo.gl/LnKF (more iphone 4 antenna)
http://goo.gl/wHKe (better voice recognition)
http://goo.gl/2OqT (location service - Skyhook)
http://goo.gl/LnKF (Starbucks mobile payment)
http://goo.gl/PA41 (AT&T free 3G microcells)
http://goo.gl/9L2I (cat6 to replace HDMI?)
http://goo.gl/SLRA (Kin dies after 1 month)
http://goo.gl/uEzQ (Android faster - Javascript)

http://bit.ly/cD8KDu (XP support extended)
http://goo.gl/ZHRK (Windows 7 reliability monitor)

http://goo.gl/x7ZR (Chrome now 3rd most used)

http://goo.gl/LVv6 (new flu shot)
http://goo.gl/j6Im (regrowing teeth)
http://goo.gl/jVja (cloth that listens)

http://goo.gl/umK3 (passwords)
http://goo.gl/HqWq (wsj - cyber shield for Utilities)
http://goo.gl/wP3Z (Bit Torrent)
http://goo.gl/gHTS (Apple Security problems)
http://goo.gl/Dvu0 (Microsoft Security Essentials news)

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