February 2011

http://goo.gl/iChz6 (Android 2011 roadmap)
http://goo.gl/SWHbh (tech innovation Presidental priority)
http://goo.gl/YYEwj (Netflix competing with cable)
http://goo.gl/G1KAy (Woman tries to smuggle 44 iPhones)
http://goo.gl/kFCU1(Samsung Galaxy tablet now $249)
http://goo.gl/2RP8P (Kindle singles $2)
http://goo.gl/TJZhT (Vendor offers free WiFi in UK)
http://goo.gl/NpYAL (Microsoft - gaming company)
http://goo.gl/M5aOb (Hulu news)
http://goo.gl/POYGg (arrests over DDoS attacks)
http://goo.gl/8ePpb (Swedish ISP to anonymous traffic)
http://goo.gl/Q4DrA (holographic TV with Kinect)
http://goo.gl/9Q0qt(Skype group video chat)
http://goo.gl/8jvGN (how Egypt turned off the internet)
http://goo.gl/3lqo4 (Egypt traffic graph)
http://goo.gl/kMnOV (FBI & WikiLeaks attacks update)
http://goo.gl/5mdxE (top 5 smart phone vendors)
http://goo.gl/e3rUm (Kindle sales beat paperback)
http://goo.gl/NU1VA (MPAA taking down torrents)
http://goo.gl/wfk1M (2 million Galaxy tablets sold)
http://goo.gl/TPbz0 (Android 2010 leader)
http://goo.gl/xMoU6 (iPhone profits)
http://goo.gl/sDi6E (Circumvent Egypt blackout)
http://goo.gl/L0nK (ShmooCon hacker event)
http://goo.gl/lYJUo (Smartphone zombies)
http://goo.gl/DoO29 (Facebook & shopping discounts)
http://goo.gl/ODvoj (Google GDrive)
http://goo.gl/cREq4 (IPv4 - IPv6)
http://goo.gl/ISLLW (AT&T inflated iPhone charges)
http://goo.gl/lDRfi (Android 3 - Honycomb)
http://goo.gl/LB1ax (H.264, IE & Chrome)
http://goo.gl/yt8Vq (kill switch legislation update)
http://goo.gl/rFdmN(Sandy bridge problems)
http://goo.gl/rntYK (US customs office & domain names)
http://goo.gl/APY8A (iPhone at Verizon Feb 10th)
http://goo.gl/fdwkQ (Hulu news)
http://goo.gl/CaTWz (Verizon data throttle)
http://goo.gl/VCgDy (iPhone Verizon & hotspot)
http://goo.gl/rAg2I (ICE seizing domain names)
http://goo.gl/TClkD (new HotMail feature)
http://goo.gl/VWH58 (Wireless customer satisfaction)
http://goo.gl/Eb3mq (Dell phone)
http://goo.gl/0T2y6 (superphone)
http://goo.gl/vaZIv (Apple has to stop pre-orders - Verizon)
http://goo.gl/Y38RP (AT&T free microcell for iPhone customers?)
http://goo.gl/dfxsH (Chrome v9)
http://goo.gl/V2DZ7 (Facebook, privacy, Congress)
http://goo.gl/bg36x (keeping Google searches private)
http://goo.gl/w5xDe (SuperBowl predictions - Internet chatter)
http://goo.gl/SpKtH (Facebook 7th birthday)
http://goo.gl/hDC0e (Facebook, https, firesheep fix - not)
http://goo.gl/iEFfd (Internet vigilante group Anonymous)
http://goo.gl/s9nVU(US & Domain Name control)
http://goo.gl/E6Rcv (Firefox update news)
http://goo.gl/Af6q8 (FCC &USF)
http://goo.gl/oyJWL (HP & touchscreens)
http://goo.gl/z4Mf6 (libraries & music downloads)
http://goo.gl/fAhh9 (Kindle to get page numbers, finally)
http://goo.gl/fAhh9 (Smartphone use up 60%)
http://goo.gl/R2NvC (Dell announces 39 new products)
http://goo.gl/GgFDN (settled case, Facebook, boss bashing)
http://goo.gl/54lfK (HTC & OnLine gaming)
http://goo.gl/Ku2yM (identity theft decreasing)
http://goo.gl/LXJOw(Ken Olsen, DEC founder dies)
http://goo.gl/cK0gj (Roman Catholic Church & confession app)
http://goo.gl/7ReQ6 (802.11ac coming)
http://goo.gl/pGSP0 (preview of new HP devices)
http://goo.gl/jcU1y (iPad 2 coming soon)
http://goo.gl/jcU1y (Microsoft patch turns off Autorun)
http://goo.gl/k4yLI(Verizon & 4G)
http://goo.gl/k4yLI (how to get free Starbucks coffee)
http://goo.gl/rs076 (Windows 7 SP1)
http://goo.gl/DIAGg (Flash upgrade 10.2, faster, better)
http://goo.gl/Cfe1d (Google rolls out 2 factor authentication)
http://goo.gl/zG0Dg (Egypt & kill switch)
http://goo.gl/0aR9n (new DRAM improvements from Micron)
http://goo.gl/XS71d (Washington & 4G buildout)
http://goo.gl/16pyB (Net Neutrality update)
http://goo.gl/40bdL (Nokia - Microsoft partnership)
http://goo.gl/bSXpS (Amazon & Texas tax dispute)
http://goo.gl/10vgX(10th anniversary Kournikova worm)
http://goo.gl/UIj2F (Intel MWC announcements)
http://goo.gl/KkaGp (MPEG announcement)
http://goo.gl/Uiik3 (HTML 5 update)
http://goo.gl/FAuuN (new HTC tablet with stylus)
http://goo.gl/8CYxr (HTC phones with Facebook key)
http://goo.gl/8CYxr (Facebook on SIM card)
http://goo.gl/mnU2l (Google & ice cream)
http://goo.gl/u0mRB (Pandora to go public)
http://goo.gl/eaDWk (LTE vs WiMax)
http://goo.gl/fZDpT (Sprint may go LTE)
http://goo.gl/afqmJ(Google One Pass payment system)
http://goo.gl/Bl95B (NVIDIA & quad core chip for tablets)
http://goo.gl/ig9A0 (Motorola Xoom tablet)
http://goo.gl/nKVsv (Warner Brothers streaming)
http://goo.gl/3a1p (Broadband use maps)
http://goo.gl/hc1b2 (erasing SSDs)
http://goo.gl/9TaEE (Watson powered by 90 servers)
http://goo.gl/2BqNK (Chevrolet MyLink)
http://goo.gl/AZjUW (Google now has Delicious bookmark importer)
http://goo.gl/Mk3SY(Comcast 3D channel)
http://goo.gl/5DYyc(Net Neutrality update)

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